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Presentations -- 2009:
  1. ICIT 2009 Talk (Tabu Search Based Gate Leakage Optimization using DKCMOS Library in Architecture Synthesis)
  2. ICIT 2009 Talk (Simulink Based Architecture Prototyping of Compressed Domain MPEG-4 Watermarking)
  3. BICA 2009 Talk (ILP Based Leakage Optimization During Nano-CMOS RTL Synthesis: A DOXCMOS Versus DTCMOS Perspective)
  4. GLSVLSI 2009 Talk (Unified P4 (Power-Performance-Process-Parasitic) Fast Optimization of a Nano-CMOS VCO)
  5. ISQED 2009 Talk (A Universal Level Converter Towards the Realization of Energy Efficient Implantable Drug Delivery Nano-Electro-Mechanical-Systems)
  6. ISQED 2009 Presentation (VLSI Architectures of Perceptual Based Video Watermarking for Real-Time Copyright Protection)
  7. ISQED 2009 Presentation (Variability-Aware Optimization of Nano-CMOS Active Pixel Sensors using Design and Analysis of Monte Carlo Experiments)
  8. ISQED 2009 Talk (A PVT Aware Accurate Statistical Logic Library for High-K Metal-Gate Nano-CMOS)
  9. ICCE 2009 Presentation (GPU-CPU Multi-Core For Real-Time Signal Processing)
  10. ICCE 2009 Talk (A Combined Packet Classifier and Scheduler Towards Net-Centric Multimedia Processor Design)
  11. VLSI Design 2009 Invited Talk (Unified Challenges in Nano-CMOS High-Level Synthesis)
  12. VLSI Design 2009 Talk (Single Ended Static Random Access Memory for Low-Vdd, High-Speed Embedded Systems)

Last updated on 01 Jan 2013 (Tuesday).
© Saraju P. Mohanty